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The Rye PTA is grateful for the opportunity to contribute to our children's education in a meaningful way.

Empowering better education by building a strong community.


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Premier Sponsor

Local resident and business owner Jenn Madden at Madden Group is a premier sponsor of the Rye PTA.  We thank her for her generous donations year after year!  

Our Efforts Make a Difference

The PTA  believes that the equal cultivation of community fun and education is what creates substantial growth for everyone involved.

We offer a comprehensive list of programs geared towards each and every student at our school.


  • Amanda (VP) and Lindsay's (Secretary) 2-year terms will be ending in June, so we will need a new Vice President and Secretary to keep our PTA going strong!  Please reach out to Marianne at if interested in learning about their roles! 

  • We are also looking for a new Riptide Swag sales representative; please let us know if you are interested in this role. 

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